Get It Write

for organisations

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Poor writing is costing organisations thousands of dollars every year.

Get It Write can help.

2016 research by author Josh Bernoff found that people in business spend 6 per cent of total wages trying to get meaning out of poor writing. For an organisation with 1,000 employees, that’s a wasted 4 million dollars each year. Imagine what your people could do with that time if they could claw it back.

The cost of poor writing is profound. In 2018, The Economist's Intelligence Unit found poor communication can result in:

  • delayed or failed projects (44 per cent of respondents)

  • low morale (31 per cent )

  • missed performance goals (25 per cent ), and

  • lost sales (18 per cent) — some worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We set up this program to build better writers.

Clarity cuts through. Well-written organisational communications help you sell your products and services, communicate change, make decisions faster and inspire loyalty.

Our enterprise solution for large organisations builds writing capability throughout the year. A self-paced online curriculum coupled with masterclasses and monthly mentoring gives your people the skills and support they need to write well, always.

Our program helps your people to understand your audience, find the right words, and use them to connect.

The enterprise program cost is $150,000+GST for twelve months.
(For an organisation of 1,000, that’s $150 per person for twelve months of support and skill building!)

Foundations Program: online|on-demand

Ten thirty-minute modules full to the brim with videos, exercises, worksheets, tips and templates teaching your people the fundamentals of good writing. Available on demand on our online learning platform. With a final assessment test and completion certificate, our monthly reports let you know which members of staff have completed the course.


Six three-hour masterclasses on specific forms of writing delivered live online over the twelve months. Choose from the modules below or tell us what you need, and we can tailor sessions for your organisation. For example, we've worked with one organisation to improve the quality of their board papers. And we'd love to help lift the game of procurement documentation!

Monthly mentoring days

Every month, we offer one-on-one or small group mentoring to help your people put their new knowledge into practice. Up to 250 sessions per year are available.

Delivered online via Zoom, staff can book a session and work through their latest writing with one of our trainers. It's hands-on, illuminating and delivers great documents ready for use in the business.

An added bonus is 'Ask Anything' sessions over lunch on the mentoring days, which offer all staff the opportunity to come together (online) and ask our experts their burning questions about writing and communication.

Learning focus

Your Trainers

Louisa Coppel

Strategist, facilitator and communicator, Louisa is a word nerd, workaholic and stickler for quality.

A former publicist, marketer and communications lead with the Victorian Government, Louisa now works with organisations large and small to find creative solutions to what can seem insoluble problems.

She is highly regarded for her ability to cut through internal clutter, challenge cloudy thinking, and draw clarity out of confusion.

Kylie Miller

A communications specialist, Kylie has more than 20 years of experience as a journalist, writer and editor at leading daily newspapers in Australia and overseas.

Kylie applies her extensive experience and communication skills to producing relevant and well-written materials and advice for corporate and government clients.

Kylie is also a children’s author whose fourth picture book ‘Dotty and The Lonely Farm’ will be published in 2023.