Get It Write

for teams

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Get It Write can lift

your team’s writing performance

How many hours a week do you spend ‘red penning’ badly written briefs and board papers? We’ve been there. It’s frustrating!

We set up this program because we saw a need to build better writers.

Poor communication results in delayed or failed projects, low morale, missed performance goals and lost sales (some worth hundreds of thousands of dollars).

When our writing is convincing and compelling we connect with our audiences. They pay attention. They engage. They’re inspired.

Sometimes we nail it. Often we don't.

We're not taught the shortcuts.... an easy way through the maze. These shortcuts exist. They save time and money. Journalists and copywriters learn them from scratch, but most of us miss out.

Our program helps your team understand your audience, find the right words, and use them to connect. With Get It Write, your team’s copy will be crisper and tighter; their content more intriguing and more inspiring.

Cost is $16,000+GST for up to twenty team members.


Foundations Program

A half-day training session delivered live online or face-to-face at your office for up to twenty team members.


A three-hour tailored masterclass focusing on a specific form of writing. You select the subject to suit your team.

Delivered live online or face-to-face at your office.


We follow up with a one-on-one mentoring session for each team member. Too much training is delivered and done - it doesn't stick. Our mentoring helps your team apply what they’ve learned. We meet (online) and work through samples of their writing, providing practical tips and coaching to help them improve.

Your Trainers

Louisa Coppel

Strategist, facilitator and communicator, Louisa is a word nerd, workaholic and stickler for quality.

A former publicist, marketer and communications lead with the Victorian Government, Louisa now works with organisations large and small to find creative solutions to what can seem insoluble problems.

She is highly regarded for her ability to cut through internal clutter, challenge cloudy thinking, and draw clarity out of confusion.

Kylie Miller

A communications specialist, Kylie has more than 20 years of experience as a journalist, writer and editor at leading daily newspapers in Australia and overseas.

Kylie applies her extensive experience and communication skills to producing relevant and well-written materials and advice for corporate and government clients.

Kylie is also a children’s author whose fourth picture book ‘Dotty and The Lonely Farm’ will be published in 2023.